Weekend Cute

Video Description: Dudz and Zelzabelle have fun at the dog park this morning. Set to Sweet's "Ballroom Blitz."

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We've discovered that if we go to the park first thing Saturday/Sunday morning, especially now that it's getting frosty overnight, there's no one else there—so I don't need to walk Zelda on the trails, and she and Dudley have a chance to run around together, which they both looooooooooove.

Dudley will chase after Zel, and catch her immediately, and she'll tumble and roll and he'll LEAP! over her and keep running—and then she'll start to chase him, and he'll look behind him and make sure she's after him, then run and run and run, never going full speed, but never going slow enough that she can catch him, despite her valiant efforts. And then he'll stop, and she'll come up and bump him—"Keep running!"—or walk underneath him and stand there, intertwined with him, the two of them panting hot visible breaths into cool air, skin sliding over ribs as their lungs expand and contract, looking for all the world like some eight-legged bellows monster.

Last winter, when Dudley was the only pup at the dog park most weeks, I used to say, "It would be nice if Dudley always had someone to play with at the dog park." And now he does.

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