An Observation

There is, obviously, a lot of overlap between people who identify as "pro-life" and the conservative critics of Occupy Wall Street.

The protesters on Wall Street, and at other venues around the country (and world), and their allies, are advocating for structural changes that allow them to work secure jobs with livable wages, that give them access to safe and nourishing sustenance, to healthcare, to a roof over their heads.

They are advocating for the right to live a meaningful and productive and stable life.

It seems to me that anyone who calls themselves "pro-life" should be firmly on the side of the Occupy Wall Street protesters, if the definition of "life" is to have any meaning at all.

(Naturally, this will not the last time that there is occasion to observe the contemptible irony of the "pro-life" moniker. Movement conservatives are nothing if not bottomless wells of rank hypocrisy.)

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