Question of the Day

So, six years ago today my youngest kiddo was born--and I cannot believe how fast the last six years have gone by! Six years ago today: I had a newborn, a one year old, a two & a half year old, and a five year old (and I didn't sleep! LOL); we lived in Ohio in a rented townhouse in the town we grew up in; I wasn't yet writing for Shakesville (though I'd start a bit later that year), nor had I become the activist I am today (not that I had much time right then, LOL).

In those six years we've come a long way as a family (in a lot of ways, including moving 2300 miles away!) and I have personally, as well. It's not always been roses--not by a long, long shot--but I definitely have many blessings to count, as the saying goes. I can only imagine what I'll be looking back on six years from now.

How was life for you six years ago? Have things gone how you thought they would six years ago? Any plans for the next six?

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