by Shaker koach
My story is brief, simple, and like the stories of thousands of other women. And it is really my sister's story, which I am sharing with her permission.
My sister is in her twenties, underemployed, and without health insurance. She has a boyfriend with whom she practices safer sex. When her period was recently late, she bought a pregnancy test, but the results were unclear. She went to Planned Parenthood to get tested and to talk with someone.
She was able to receive thorough counseling about the possible medical indications of a late menstrual cycle, the various testing she might need, and what her various options might be.
Later that week, her period started; it was just irregularly timed, and she is not pregnant and there is nothing wrong with her. Thankfully, she was able to seek help—medical and emotional—at Planned Parenthood, where she could have received further help if she needed it.
This story is simple and unspectacular, but I hope it conveys the day-to-day realities faced by thousands of women. When they need help, Planned Parenthood is there, with many, many services.
Read the rest of the My Planned Parenthood Carnival posts here.
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