Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by Zelda, who will happily snap with endless determination at any annoying flies who might be in your general vicinity.

Recommended Reading:

[TW for terrorism and violence] On the connection between Anders Behring Breivik and American rightwing blogs, see Peter Daou and Mustang Bobby.

Tigtog: The Blazing FAIL of a Thousand Suns

Penelope: Donors' Pledges to Reconstruct Haiti Come up Empty

Andy: 46 Gay Couples Marry in Mass Wedding at Niagara Falls

Josh: Rally Cry [Background on "Tough Mudders" here.]

The Angry Black Woman: [TW for misogyny] I Don't Read Comics Much, and Here's the Reason Why

Lesley: [TW for misogyny, homophobia, rape culture] Male Games for Male Gamers: A Case Study

D-Day: Reid Working on His Own All-Cuts Debt Limit Proposal

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