Sunday Shuffle

Cheating a bit (though it IS in my collection):
Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band; Born to Run

Possibly one of my favorite music videos ever--the sheer joy and fun the band has is wonderful. However, Clarence "Big Man" Clemons passed away yesterday from complications from a stroke he had several days ago:
Clarence Clemons, the legendary saxophonist in the E Street Band who played alongside Bruce Springsteen for the past 40 years, died on June 18th. Clemons had suffered a massive stroke on June 12th. While initial signs had been hopeful after his hospitalization and two subsequent brain surgeries, he reportedly took a turn for the worse later in the week. He was 69.
Below is Bruce, intro'ing the Big Man during a show in London:

Bruce: Wooo! And last but not least! I want to say London is finally read for the Minister of Sooooooouuuuuullll! Secretary of the Brotherhood! Probably the next King of England! Gimme a C! L! A! R! E! N! C! E! What's that spell?!

Crowd: Clarence!

Bruce: What's that spell?!

Crowd: Clarence!

Bruce: What's that spell?!

Crowd: Clarence!

Bruce: I have seen the future and the whole fuckin' thing and it's Big Man Clarence Clemons!
Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band were a large part of the soundtrack to my childhood--my mom was a big fan. I also love their music myself, now. Thanks for the music and the memories, Big Man. They were great gifts. RIP.

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