Random YouTubery: Viscous Liquid Moving Machine!

The viscous liquids being moved by this machine are very grody-looking. But the fact that they are being moved while retaining their shape is very cool! SCIENCE!

Video Description: Scenes from FOOMA Japan 2011, the international food machinery and technology exhibition, of a young Japanese man demonstrating SWITL, a "pick-up and conveyor system using unique technology." It looks like a hand-held vac with a sort of flat tongue that zips out, underneath a pile of ketchup and mayonnaise (aka barf), and picks it up, without changing the shape of the pile of barf. Yow! That is very cool! (And gross, because they are using barf in their demonstration!)

The rest of the video repeats this demonstration, and then shows other applications of the Barf Robot, like moving assembly-line lunchmeat and packing containers of sol-gel products for shipment. It's very hard to describe! But very neat!

[Via Kelly.]

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