President Cool Car

Hey, remember when I posted that video of President Obama being very cute with a baby? And remember when Shaker everstar said, "Maybe if we as constituents put on diapers and bawled our heads off...?" And remember when we all "liked" that comment and thought it was so funny? Well, now is the time to stop laughing and start stocking up on nappies (which is what the Founding Fathers called them) because that idea was actually genius. EVIDENCE:

Video Description: President Obama sits in his limo with two young white children, a girl and a boy. He hands the phone handset to the boy and asks, "Who do you want to call?" (The phone is corded, btw. POTUS Code Name: Mannix!) The boy answers, "Uh, I'm gonna call my mom's cell." The president responds, "All right. Let's see if she picks up." Pause. "Did she pick up?" asks the girl. "Is it ringing?" asks the president. The boy tells him it's gone to her voicemail, and the president tells him to leave a message. "Hi, mom," says the boy into the phone. "I'm in the president's—Mr. President's car." Obama laughs; it's almost a giggle. "Soooo," the boy continues, "call me! It's really cool." He hands the phone to the president, who says, "All right—bye!" and hangs up.

Please, Mr. President, do some policying that makes me like you this much!

[Via Kelly.]

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