Lifestyle and Wellness Corner

From the Star Tribune (Newspaper of the Twin Cities):
Planned Parenthood is closing six clinics in outstate Minnesota on Aug. 1 because of federal budget cuts made this spring in a highly politicized abortion battle.
Closing are clinics in Thief River Falls, Brainerd, Red Wing, Owatonna, Albert Lea and Fairmont. They did not perform abortions, but provided services ranging from contraception to cervical cancer screenings to testing for sexually-transmitted diseases.
While Planned Parenthood was careful to select clinics that were smaller (and that thus served fewer women), these clinics are also in relatively small cities. (Owatonna is the largest of the six, with a population just over 25,000.)

This is a huge blow to women in rural (you say "outstate", I say "rural") Minnesota, which is ostensibly the base of the assholes who pushed through these funding cuts.

I say ostensibly, because everyone knows that poor rural women don't actually have representation in Congress. This is a problem (see above).

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