Film Corner!

Everything about this sounds terrible:
Universal Pictures is in early talks with Jason Bateman to star with Vince Vaughn in The Insane Laws, a comedy that will mark the feature directorial debut of screenwriter Jeremy Garelick. ... Garelick co-wrote the Vaughn-starrer The Break-Up. Garelick also did uncredited script work on The Hangover.

The plan is for Bateman and Vaughn to play longtime best friends, who've shared everything, from college to the time both got married and had kids at the same time. Cut to when those kids are away at college, and, unbeknownst to their parents, falling in love. The best friend relationship is sorely tested when the daughter of Vaughn's character gets pregnant. The actors just did a read-through of the material, and it could be in production by the fall.
Okay, I didn't even watch Will & Grace and SPOILER ALERT! even I know that it ended with their kids falling in love at college, so kudos on stealing an idea from a sitcom that ended five years ago. Which itself probably stole the idea from the series finale of AfterMASH, but who knows because no one watched AfterMASH, no doy. But I'm guessing it probably stole its ideas from Homer's classic ancient Greek epic Willus and Gracus. What I'm saying is, that idea is tired.

And adding in the zany pregnancy twist, so Vince Vaughn can get all "your son ruined my property!" with Jason Batman, does not freshen the concept. "Jason Batman, Imma totes get you AND your son for getting your dirty genes up in my daughter's business!" Nope. Get those purity balls out of your ass, Vince Vaughn. Gross.

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