Daily Dose of Cute: Sweet Baby Girl

Moon on left, Feather on right

A couple of years ago, Moon decided that he had enough of this world, though he fought valiantly to stay around as long as he could. Late last night, Feather decided it was time to join him.

The great thing about Feather was how well she could adapt to any situation. Whether it was moving twice to new homes, or dealing with Moon after a hospital visit, or dealing with the aftermath of a volatile kitty when she was first adopted, Feather always took things in stride. She also always acted like she was 5, regardless of her actual age.

Even after Moon died, she came into her own and actually relished the opportunity to be the sole cat of her kingdom. She started talking much more and was always ready to jump onto my lap when I would sit down by my desktop downstairs.

This one's tough because I got her first. I've been through a lot of things in the time she was with me, and I'm especially grateful she was there during the really tough times. And now, she gave me the honor of being able to see her off with her last breath, without having to call in the vet.

And to Norway I say this: I commit her spirit back to your forests, for other Forest Cats to view and acknowledge as their model.

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