Why Rep. Rob Woodall Is An Asshole

Representative Rob Woodall (R-Eallyclueless), part the first:
"Hear yourself, ma'am. Hear yourself," Woodall told the woman. "You want the government to take care of you, because your employer decided not to take care of you. My question is, 'When do I decide I'm going to take care of me?'"
Representative Rob Woodall (R-Eallyclueless), part the second:
"You take government-subsidized health care, but you are not obligated to take that if you don't want to," Democratic activist Ilene Johnson told Woodall. "Why aren't you going out on the free market in the state where you are a resident and buy your own health care?"

"It's because it's free," Woodall replied. "It's because it's free. The same reason I went out to Walgreens and bought Activon when I don't have any arthritis pain. Because it's free. Folks, if you give people things for free, don't blame them for taking them."
So I guess his platform can be summed up as: If you want government to pay for your health care, you're a no-good SOCIALIST leech who doesn't know how to take care of hirself. However, I rather enjoy my government health care because I don't have to pay anything. Wheeeeee!!

Oh - and for the record, Woodall, your health care isn't free. We all pay for it, asshole.

Socialism sure is convenient sometimes, isn't it?

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