Texting! With Liss and Deeky!

[Last night, just after the QotD was posted.]

Liss: Thank you for being so gay.

Deeky: LOL! You're such an asshole. And I am sooo not gay. When's the last time I took it in the ass?

Liss: Is that like being a born-again virgin? If you don't take it in the ass for too long, you're basically straight again, lol? Do you have to come out again? Do you get a second toaster? Can you claim practicing asexuality and be in a sexual limbo?

Deeky: LOL! Yes. All of that.

Liss: You'll always be gay to me, doll. Assfucking or no assfucking.

Deeky: Yay!

Liss: *plays Solsbury Hill*

Deeky: LOL! That song should just go to hell already.

Liss: Voiceover: IN A WORLD where assfucking litmus tests tore apart families and brought down empires, the unlikely friendship between a single mo and a fat lady showed the world how to laugh...and how to love.

Deeky: LOL! Worst rom-com ever.

Liss: LOL! No rom, no com. Just two hours of us text messaging about b-holes.

Deeky: LOL!

Liss: Iain just said that would be better than most of the movies that are made today LOLOLOL!!!

Deeky: He's right.

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