Of the People, By the People, For the People...

Obama to name former CEO Bryson as Commerce secretary. Of course he will.
President Barack Obama will name former Edison International chief executive John Bryson on Tuesday to be the new U.S. Commerce secretary, filling an important trade job with a seasoned businessman.
Bryson, who also sits on the board of Boeing, will replace Gary Locke, who is replacing Jon Huntsman as ambassador to China.
"Mr. Bryson will play a key role as a member of the president's economic team, bringing decades of knowledge and experience in the public and private sectors, and will provide valuable ideas and initiatives to strengthen America's competitiveness around the world," a White House official said.

"Mr. Bryson will continue the (Commerce) Department's mission to drive U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace, strengthen the international economic position of the United States and facilitate global trade by opening up new markets for U.S. goods and services."

Bryson's appointment continues a White House trend of nominating senior business executives to top government posts.
Have I mentioned lately that I'm sooooo glad we elected a Democrat to the White House...?

You know, once upon a time, the government of this nation, irrespective of which party was in charge, considered there to be valuable expertise in other areas besides Corporate America.

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