J'adore Adele

As I've briefly mentioned, I am way the hell into Adele at the moment. So is Iain, and when I put on her "Set Fire to the Rain" in protest of the bad weather on our journey east, she basically stayed in rotation through half of Ohio. We lurrrrrrve her.

Anyway, Tami's got a great post about Adele today, in which she expresses wonder at the number of people who try (and spectacularly fail) to cover Adele's stuff, especially "Rolling in the Deep." It's a sentiment with which I heartily agree; vanishingly few people are going to be able to tough Adele's version.

Meanwhile, Andy posts a video by three darling blokes (Alex Goot, Michael Henry, and Justin Robinett) who take on Adele with a sort of Glee-ified medley of "Rolling in the Deep," "Turning Tables," and "Someone Like You," and it's definitely one of my favorite covers of Adele's work so far. Enjoy!

UPDATE: Shaker erbie dropped into comments this video of PS22 Chorus singing "Rolling in the Deep," which is just ridiculously fantastic:

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