Thank You, Michele!

Wednesday, I challenged Rep. Michele Bachmann to place her brain on the table instead of her birth certificate. I'm glad to see that she didn't disappoint me at all, as shown by RJ at C&L:
We'll sound the bell every time she floats a discredited idea. Ready?

Raising taxes for the wealthy shouldn't be "on the table," says Bachmann, because "tax rates are high enough (ding!), and history shows (ding!) that when we raise taxes, particularly on job creators (ding!) we actually bring in less revenue (ding! ding! ding!) rather than more."
In Bachmann's world, a zero-percent tax rate is too high, companies who either don't hire to stay lean or get cheaper labor overseas are "job creators", and revenue from higher taxes is less than revenue from lower taxes.

Thank you very much for this glimpse into your intriguing thought processes, Congresswoman.

More, please.

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