Hold Onto Your Wizard Hats, Nerdz!

"Flight of the Conchords" star Bret McKenzie will play Lindir, an Elf of Rivendell, in "The Hobbit."

As anyone who's anyone already knows: "New Zealand-based McKenzie made brief appearances as an extra in the first and third Lord of the Rings pics in which he achieved fan fame on the Internet with the fan-created nickname 'Figwit'."

No doy, Variety!

Last weekend, Kenny Blogginz brought over the DVD of the 1977 Rankin-Bass animated The Hobbit, which Iain had never seen. (!!!) He loved it OF COURSE. And he finally understood why I was terrified of Gollum well into my adulthood.

It made us all VERY EXCITED about the Peter Jackson version. Or, I guess should say, EVEN MORE EXCITED. It was, however, certainly not a level of excitement that could be sustained until December 2012, so we chilled out afterwards with a Dungeons & Dragons marathon. Because nerdz.

[Nerd Alert: KBlogz actually owns a wizard's hat, which he brought over one night and he, Iain, and I took turns wearing it while watching some shitty totes awesome old film like Beastmaster. I tell you this so that you may trust you're getting your Nerd News from a highly-credentialed professional nerd.]

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