Daily Dose of Cute

Dudley lies on his big pillow munching on a pig's ear. Liss asks: "Dudley, do you feel better?" Dudley lifts his head, looks at Liss, and licks his lips. "Do you feel better now?" Dudley goes back to chewing on the pig's ear. "I'm gonna take that as a yes." [edit] Dudley chews on the ear and it pokes him in the eye. He is unphased. [edit] Dudley is done; the pig's ear has been demolished. He gently licks his paws and cleans up all the crumbs left on the big pillow, then looks up at Liss. "Hi!"
Dudley went back to the vet on Saturday, just for a check-up to make sure everything looked good. (It did.) His eyes aren't totally back to normal yet, but the whites of his eyes are in the same galaxy as white again, which is a huge relief. In the meantime, he continues to be a good boy about getting his eye-drops and taking his antibiotics. Will behave for peanut butter!


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