Potential Measles Exposure

Back in February, a child returned to the country while contagious with measles:
An infant who later tested positive for the potentially serious disease was at Portland International Airport on Sunday and, although officials say the risk for infection is low, people in certain parts of the airport might have been exposed.

The Clark County child was on Horizon Air flight 2614 in addition to the Horizon Air area of Concourse A, gates 6 to 12 and baggage claim area 2 at about 7:20 to 7:30 p.m.

Health officials say because the measles virus is airborne, there was a risk of exposure for people in these areas between 7:20 and 9:20 p.m.

Doctors say the big concern is for those who haven't already been vaccinated for measles or for babies under 12 months, who are considered too young for the vaccine.

People are considered immune to measles if they:

* Were born before Jan. 1, 1957
* Have had one or measles shots, typically given as a Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR)
* Have had measles diagnosed by a health care provider
* Have had a blood test showing they are immune


Clark County health officials reported the child was at Evergreen Pediatrics in Vancouver and Southwest Washington Medical Center's outpatient laboratory Monday while contagious.
An unvaccinated teenager was exposed to the baby while at the clinic and now has the disease. While contagious:
...[T]he teen went to school, stopped by a 7-Eleven store, attended a youth group and visited a medical clinic.

While the incubation period for the first case has ended, those who were exposed to the teen could still develop symptoms until March 20.

“It wouldn’t surprise me if there were more cases because it’s exquisitely contagious,” said Dr. Alan Melnick, Clark County health officer. “I’m just hoping immunization rates are high enough in the community that we won’t see it.”


Susceptible people who visited the following locations may have been exposed to the contagious teen:

• Vancouver Christian High School on Feb. 25.

• The 7-Eleven store at 5101 N.E. 112th Ave. in Vancouver between 4 and 8 p.m. Feb. 27.

• City Harvest Church in Vancouver between 5:30 and 10:30 p.m. Feb. 27.

• Southwest Medical Group at Fisher’s Landing between 11:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. March 1.
If you are not immune and may have been exposed, you are asked to call your doctor.

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