The GOP War on Uteri

Did I say "an almost daily series"? Silly me. I meant a "several times daily series."

The Arizona state senate has passed legislation making it a felony for a doctor to perform an abortion to select for sex or race. Never mind that there's no evidence that Arizona women are terminating pregnancies based on sex or race: It's just another way to chip away at Roe.

But the GOP majority contend that they're just protecting women of color, who are apparently even more incapable of self-determination than white women are. The GOP must usurp WOC's agency in order to protect their freedom! Or something!
Republican supporters have said that statistics show a high percentage of abortions are being sought by minority women and that abortion clinics intentionally locate in minority areas.

...Sen. Don Shooter, R-Yuma, said he doesn't understand why women wouldn't support a measure that protects them.

"It's a way to pre-empt what's happening in China and India," he said.
There is no evidence that gendercide is a problem in the US.

I know I'm a broken record and all, but this state-by-state erosion of the right conferred by Roe is what I was talking about during the last presidential election when I said, over and over until I was blue in my fat fucking face, that "You can't vote Third Party because only Democratic Candidate X will protect Roe!" isn't a viable argument anymore because state legislatures are the battleground on which this war is being fought.

You know, I'd love it if it were true that President Obama is a fierce defender of Roe, but being a fierce defender of a woman's right to choose is more than just appointing Supreme Court justices who will uphold Roe, which will mean nothing if Roe has been rendered an empty statute in most of the country on the state level.

President Obama's yawning indifference to this sustained attack on reproductive rights, his shameful dereliction of duty in defending the rights of people who can get pregnant, is an absolute scandal. And it will not be forgotten when his reelection campaign comes begging for our support.

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