[Trigger warning for mention of rape.]

I'm getting quite a few emails about the Indiana State Republican Representative and professional dipshit who claims that rape exceptions to legislation banning abortions past 20 weeks is a loophole for women who will just lie about having been raped.

Some of the authors of these emails are quite perturbed with me about having failed to write about this story today.

Let me first note that I cannot write about every single important story every single day: 1. I don't always have the emotional wherewithal to write about every story regarding sexual violence that lands in my inbox. 2. One of the horrible realities of this shitty economy is that more and more people are contacting me with requests for resources on social services, including services for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, public resources for which are having their budgets slashed all over the country. I am spending more and more of my time doing unpaid social work, and sending a pissed off email demanding I write about something doesn't actually give me more time in my day.

I love getting tips from readers; I am hugely appreciative for them. I just ask that you please understand that managing this community has additional responsibilities to writing, and that, even if it didn't, I can't and won't write on demand.

Oh, and, by the way: Another reason I haven't written about that story today is because I wrote about it yesterday.

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