Fierce Newz

[Trigger warning for bullying and LGBTQ-phobia]

If you've been paying close attention, you might have noticed that the White House just announced its strategy to prevent bullying. The Obama Administration was so busy working on this super big project, that it "forgot" to do anything meaningful with respect to Egypt, Libya, the war on unions, or any number of other pressing issues. So, I just knew that that whatever it came up with was gonna be *amazing*.

I give you: a freakin' website.

You can see that it's got a lot of useful tips for victims of bullying. Also, apparently the White House would like to politely ask bullies to stop it already. Problem solved.

For the bieberillionth time, the Obama Administration has simultaneously over and underestimated its power, and I am shocked I tell you, shocked*.

Via: Colorlines
Where italics indicate the intensity of my complete and utter nonshockedness.

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