Daily Dose o' Cute

Back in the summer of 2007, I started looking for my kitty companion. I came across a lovely organization, Cat Adoption Team, and browsed through their listings. I kinda, sorta had a vague idea that I wanted a kitty who resembled a seal-point Siamese, an all-orange, or an all-black cat. I came across the listing for a fostered family of six kittens, all who had been born March 30th. Three of the kittens--all the boys--were all orange. Of the girls: one was a long-haired tortie, one was grey with black stripes, and one was a mish-mash of everyone with multiple colors, some stripes, and just enough long-hair influence to resemble a cat who has been slightly shocked by static electricity. All of them had names for different Italian cities and the last, multi-colored girl was called Sicily. She wasn't anything that I really thought I had been looking for but I there was just something about her in her picture that made me pick up the phone to ask about her. She was available and her foster mom didn't live very far from us.

I went to see her that very evening. When I sat down in the room with all the kittens, she came right up to me and crawled into my lap. Her foster mom said she normally didn't do such a thing--typically she ignored people (as others had come to check out her brothers). She picked me as much as I picked her. In what would turn out to be the three weeks I had to wait to bring her home, I went over and over in my brain what I'd name her since she just was not a Sicily. I decided on Zoë. Here is the original announcement about her, btw (the pic was taken when I first met her, at the foster mom's house).

First day home!

"No blog reading for you, Two Legs."

Relaxin' in her favorite place

Relaxing isn't all she does, as Miss Zoë has had her share of adventures, too.

She's my baby-cat, no matter how old she may be. Happy 4th birthday, Zoë-girl!

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