Chipping Away at Griswold

I've been rather coy about my thoughts on the actual contents of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's proposed budget, but sure, I'll bite on this one:

The Capital Times:
Gov. Scott Walker wants to again give insurance companies discretion over whether they will cover contraception.

His budget, released Tuesday, proposes the elimination of a recently passed law that requires insurance plans that cover prescription drugs to also include coverage for prescription birth control. Walker’s budget summary says the requirement is an “unacceptable government mandate on employers with moral objections to these services,” and that it “increases the cost of health insurance for all payers.”
Uh, no.

Also, lolsob @ recently passed law upholding insured people's right to contraception.

Interestingly enough, I recall that the dearth of birth control options in our insurance plan's formulary was a topic that came up during collective bargaining. Imagine that.

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