This is so the worst thing you're going to read all day.

[Trigger warning for stalking, heterocentrism, and for ableist language at the link.]

In love? Don't get stuck on stupid.

I have a real issue with taking it as read that everyone acts "ridiculous" when they are in the throes of a crush, if "ridiculous" is defined as "finding pathetic excuses to call again when he doesn't call back right away, or scheming to run into her outside her office 'by accident'."

I also have a real issue with the idea that getting married (which, of course, not everyone is even legally allowed to do) is an instant remedy for acting "ridiculous." Getting married is not a magical cure for insecurity and/or entitlement.

In fact, marriage (or any other long-term commitment) actually stands to exacerbate feelings of insecurity and/or entitlement in people who enter the partnership expecting it to salve a lack of confidence or an insidious possessiveness.

Positing marriage as a solution to "creepiness" is absurd. And very nearly as objectionable as normalizing and minimizing stalking behavior as some sort of universal "creepiness" in which we all engage, because love makes us fools.

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