Daily Dose of Cute

Matilda and I have another conversation about her rumor-mongering and conspiracy theories.

[Transcript below.]
Tils: Click!

Liss: What? Are you telling me that story again? Didn't we debunk this last week?

Tils: Myah!

Liss: Well, I know you believe it, but it's not true! Do you remember we watched that Anderson Cooper special about it? And you were like, "Yeah, I guess maybe I shouldn't have been watching Fox News."—remember? [Tils looks sheepish.] I know. It's kind of embarrassing.

Tils: Ah!

Liss: Well…

Tils: Ah!

Liss: Well, that's what you get for watching stupid news sources. I've told you about Fox; I've told you about the Drudge Report.

Tils: Myah!

Liss: Yeah, I have.

Tils: Mrrrrwwwaahhh.

Liss: I mean, when are you gonna learn your lesson?

Tils: Mrow.

Liss: I don't know, either.

Tils: Mrrrrwwwaahhh.

Liss: I mean, you're a smart girl, Matilda! You really need to get it together.

Tils: Ahhww.

Liss: I know.

[edit; Tilsy chews on the camera's wrist-strap and pats at it furiously with her fuzzy paws; edit]

Liss: Matilda, the other day Olivia told me that they found an alien skull on the White House lawn. Do you know anything about that? Where is she getting these ideas?

[Tilsy blinks innocently; edit; she's batting at the wrist strap again]

Liss: I mean, look, I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you, and all you can do is, like, play with a string. Is this maybe part of the problem, d'ya think? Do you think that maybe part of your problem is that you're more interested in string than discussing your bad media habits? Matilda, I think this could be part of the problem.

[Tilsy stares at wrist strap; looks cute.]

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