Daily Dose of Cute

I took that picture of Dudley the other day while he was watching Iain. He watches us intently when we move, which is, of course, because he's a dog—and dogs specialize in watching humans to learn our gestures in a way no other species does. I know this fact, but it is still beautiful to observe in practice, this intense looking he does to bond with us.

When one of us moves around the room, he watches—but only if we move in a particular way, as he's learned the difference between getting up to, say, go to the bathroom and getting up with Purposeful Intent to Do Something Important—and watches steadily, trying to discern if there is anything we need or expect or are about to give him. If not, he lies back down, with a great heaving sigh of contentment.

He is such a good dog, such an excellent companion. I cannot believe that once upon a time, he was owned by someone who didn't love him.

End Greyhound Racing.

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