This is so the worst thing you're going to read all day.

Men have upper hand in sexual economy. O RLY? Is there any way we can make this nooz out to be feminism's fault?
Researchers found that since women in the 18- to 23-year-old group feel they don't need men for financial dependence, many of them feel they can play around with multiple partners without consequence, and that the early 20s isn't the time to have a serious relationship. But eventually, they do come to want a real, lasting relationship. The problem is that there will still be women who will have sex readily without commitment, and since men know this, fewer of them are willing to go steady.

"Women have plenty of freedom, but freedom does not translate easily into getting what you want," [University of Texas at Austin researcher Mark Regnerus] said.

[H/T to Shaker Amy, who also notes that the picture chosen to accompany the article whiffs strongly of the rape culture.]

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