Quote of the Day

[Trigger warning for anti-Semitism.]

"He's into history."—An anonymous Jesse James "insider," explaining why more pictures have surfaced of James playing around with Nazism: "In one pic, James grins and sits in a convertible alongside a pal who gives the infamous "sieg heil" salute [while wearing what looks like an SS cap]; another image features a children's book character, Flat Stanley, dressed as Adolf Hitler."

No, people who watch WWII documentaries are into history. People who play Nazi dress-up are anti-Semitic fucknecks.

"He's into history." Please. That would be fucking hilarious if it weren't so terrifying.

And by "terrifying," I'm not referring to Jesse James or his "anonymous friend," but to a culture that finds eliminationist anti-Semitism an acceptable position to hold.

This post sponsored by The Beaver, coming to a theater near you in March!

[Related Reading: No.]

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