Quote of the Day

"It's very clear the party wants to do something a little different and maybe a little better."—Current Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele, who "has just dropped out of the race to retain his job at the helm of the RNC and endorsed Maria Cino to be the committee's next chair."

I've had my share of poking fun at Michael Steele over the years, and he deserved every last bit of it and then some, but I'm not going to make any jokes today.

I'm only going to say this: Many of Steele's biggest gaffes seemed to be evidence of a round peg trying to fit into a square hole. He's often spoken of being raised by a mother who was a Democrat, and they say you can't go home again, but it's never too late to cross the aisle.

Have lunch with Scottie, is all I'm saying.

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