Open Thread: Flooding in Australia

A street is covered by a flash flood in Toowoomba, Queensland January 10, 2011. Residents in Australia's third largest city, Brisbane, sandbagged their homes against rising waters on Monday, as police warned people in smaller outlying towns to be ready to abandon homes as forecasters predicted more heavy rain. [Reuters Pictures]
Parts of Australia are currently being devastated by massive flooding, of the scope that recently ravaged Pakistan, India, and China.

The Guardian has an excellent interactive map of the flooding here.

For those in the affected areas, information on the flood hotline which has been established is available here.

A few articles to provide background and details on the flooding:

Sydney Morning Herald: Eight dead, scores missing in Australian flash floods.

Herald Sun: More rain hampers rescue efforts as death toll rises from Toowoomba and Lockyer Valley floods.

CSM: Australia flooding racks up a hefty bill.

Reuters: Floods threaten Australia's Great Barrier Reef.

Relief information is available here, and I will post more information as I find it. Readers are also welcome and encourage to post teaspooning suggestions of their own, as well as news links and updates.

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