Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by Shaxco, publishers of Deeky W. Gashlycrumb's Guide to the Movies: Let Me Tell You How Much I Love Bruce Willis Movies.

Recommended Reading:

Quinnae: Raiders of the Lost Etiology [TW for transphobia, gender essentialism]

Michelle: Fat/Counterfat [TW for discussion of diet/exercise]

DeeLeigh: Paul Campos et al on Whether the "Obesity Crisis" Is a Public Health Crisis or a Moral Panic [TW for fat hatred and discussion of diet/exercise]

Ezra: Too Young Not to Work; Too Old to Get a Job [TW for ageism]

Andy: Fight Erupts at Ugandan LGBT Activist David Kato's Burial as Pastor Decries Homosexuality, Villagers Refuse to Bury Body [TW for homophobia, violence]

kirbybits: Here is a thought: Why I'm Not Speaking at PAX East 2011 [TW for rape culture]

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