Film Corner

[Trigger warning for misogyny, dehumanization, implied violence.]

So, Jennifer Aniston is in yet another movie evidently produced by Backlash Productions: Just Go With It, an "an uncredited remake" of Cactus Flower, is the story of a man [Adam Sandler] who "enlists the help of a woman and her kids to land the woman of his dreams."

Gee, let me guess: His co-conspirator turns out to be the REAL woman of his dreams. Negative one billion biebers for hackiness and predictability.

If only hackiness and predictability were the only problems with virtually every Jennifer Aniston film ever. Nope. Bring on the anti-feminism!

Below the fold (in most browsers) is the first poster released in support of the film.

Here, we see Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler sitting on the beach fist-bumping each other, sealing the deal in which she'll help him "land the woman of his dreams." In the background, her bikini-clad back turned to the camera, is, presumably, said dream woman.

But take a closer look at the way their fists are positioned as they bump. Shaker Eileen notes via email: "They appear to be about to pull apart the model's legs, like a turkey wishbone. This might take some kind of prize as the subtlest version of violence against women in movie posters that I've ever seen, but it still definitely suggests a violent act."

This is not a coincidence. The entire premise of the movie is that Sandler has enlisted Aniston's help to get laid, and here is the visual representation of the two of them working together to pry apart a woman's legs.


Not to let Adam Sandler off the hook, he not only stars in the film, but serves as a producer. (Happy Madison Productions is also responsible for such gems as the Deuce Bigalow series, The House Bunny, and The Hot Chick.) One would have hoped that after he had two daughters, he'd be interested in making films that aren't steeped in violent misogyny, but apparently not!

Jennifer Aniston (and Adam Sandler, for that matter) can afford to not care about perpetuating a culture of inequality and violence against women. But I've gotten about a dozen violent threats this week alone—more violent threats than donations. What am I supposed to do? What are all the women like me supposed to do? The women who can't afford the best private security money can buy...?

Aniston can afford to not care about that, too, I guess.

[Previously in Jennifer Aniston is the Worst: Shouldn't What's Best for Your Uterus Really Be Left to a Man to Decide?, That's Entertainment!, Sigh, Texting! With Liss and Deeky!, Quote of the Day, Film Corner!, Great News from the S.S. Sarcasm, Insert the Sound of Wild Laughter Here.]

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