[Trigger warning: Many of the responses to this question may be vague or explicit narratives of the rape culture.]
Maybe you were the child of a parent who substituted antiquated adages for serious discussions about dating and/or sex. Maybe you had awful religious instruction about dating and/or sex. Maybe you're gay/bi and constantly get heterocentrist dating advice from coworkers. Maybe you're someone who doesn't seem to have any friends who aren't fully indoctrinated defenders of the rape culture. Maybe everyone around you is smart enough to give good advice (or none at all), but you still hear shit advice like "you're only complete with a partner" in the movies.
Whoever you are and whatever your experiences, we've all gotten shitty messages on dating and/or sex. This thread is about the worst advice we've ever gotten.
What is the worst advice you've ever gotten about dating, romantic relationships, marriage, or sex?
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