Quote of the Day

[Trigger warning for sexual violence and racism.]

"You could say that a burglar is an unauthorized visitor. You know, you could say that a rapist is a non-consensual sex partner which, obviously, would be considered offensive to the victims of those crimes. So how far could you take this?"—Fox News host Megyn Kelly, who's outraged about the slippery slope of "politically correct" language, after the Society of Professional Journalists suggested that phrases like "illegal aliens" and "illegal immigrants" be replaced with (the morally neutral) "undocumented immigrant."

I don't guess I need to explain to this crowd why refusing to unnecessarily demonize people by (erroneously) referring to them as "illegal" is equivalent to the inherent rape apology of not calling rapists rapists.

[H/T to Mustang Bobby, who hat tips Steve Benen.]

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