House Passes DADT Repeal

If it first you don't succeed...
House lawmakers approved a bill Wednesday to end the "don't ask, don't tell" law, giving new momentum to an effort backed by President Obama, Pentagon leaders and gay rights activists to end the ban on gays serving openly in the military this year.

The House voted 250 to 175 to repeal the 17-year Defense Department law that bars gays and lesbians from serving openly in uniform. The 75-vote margin was wider than a similar vote in May. Fifteen Republicans voted for the bill while 15 Democrats opposed it.

Wednesday's vote sends the bill back to the Senate, where a vote will not occur until next week at the earliest, if at all, according to Senate aides.
That's long enough for Susan Collins and the rest of the alleged moderates to come up with an excuse to vote against it: "Uh, my parakeet needs a karma transplant...."

Why don't they just do what just about everybody wants them to do?

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