Daily Dose o' Cute

Video Description: Sophie is all curled up in a ball next to me on the couch, with just the tip of her wee tail flicking while she naps. Naturally, I had to play with it and annoy her. Because turnabout is fair play. (She is, as I type, draped across my monitor obscuring part of the screen, as per usual, lol.)

Sometimes, Dudley comes through to the office (or just stands up, if he's napping in the office) and nudges me for a cuddle, which I am always happy to oblige. Earlier, he nudged me then indicated he wanted me to follow him; I thought he had to go out, but instead he sat in the middle of the living room floor, giving me the need-a-cuddle look. I sat down beside him, and he flopped against me, lying his head in the crook of my elbow. When he got too heavy to hold any longer, I laid down beside him, and Olivia came and laid with us, rubbing her head against my feet. After a few minutes, I got up and took the above picture.

(Aside: Iain and Deeky are constantly yelling at me to take a break and get away from the computer for 10 minutes during the day, because I work nonstop. And, in the end, it's Dudley who is successful at getting me to take a break, lol. Silly wee wonderful dog.)

I then went to the kitchen to make myself a turkey sandwich for lunch. As always, the little beggars followed me, except for Matilda, who couldn't be arsed getting up from her perch on the couch. I gave Dudley, Olivia, and Sophie some turkey in the kitchen, then went into the living room to give some to Tils. She ate most of it and left one little piece. Dudley, seeing there might be some leftovers on offer, went up to her and "sat," then looked at her plaintively. Cutest. Begging. Ever.

I just don't even know. She is too cute.

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