Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes, and thank you to everyone who kicked a little extra into the kitty this month. I can't even tell you how appreciative I am for the support and encouragement. Also my thanks to Kenny Blogginz, who drove with me this afternoon in case my car died and I needed a ride home.
I managed to get the car started and over to our mechanic's, only for them to tell me they can't figure out what needs fixed without looking at the car while it's having the problem. So. Iain and I have to make some decisions tonight about whether to leave the car there (provided it's willing to start again) and rent a car in the interim, or just keep driving it and pay for a tow when it dies again. Neither one is a particularly appealing option, lolsob.
Kind of a craptacular scenario really, the not knowing. But there it is. I wish I had more concrete news to share.
In any case, I'll probably be back tomorrow in some capacity. Now I have to go attend to Dudley, who managed to cut his leg on something (not seriously) and is bleeding on the couch. Raining...pouring!
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