This is so the worst thing you're going to read all day.

[Trigger warning for fat hatred, disordered eating, diet talk.]

The bottom-line diet: Eat less.

Genius. Why have I never thought of that?

The thing is, eating less was indeed a great plan to lose weight for the man at the center of this story who was consuming 10,000 calories a day.

But if you're not a compulsive eater in the first place, cutting 7,600 calories out of your daily diet isn't an option. In fact, I'm going to guess that cutting 76% of one's daily intake of calories is not something the vast majority of fat people could actually do and still survive.

We're going to keep seeing shit like this as long as the "conventional wisdom" holds that everyone who is fat is fat because they have an eating disorder.

They don't, despite what Maura Kelly, Esther Cepeda, Dan Savage, Bill Maher, MeMe Roth, et. al. would have everyone believe.

[Related Reading: B-b-but CALORIES IN CALORIES OUT!!!, Part One, B-b-but CALORIES IN CALORIES OUT!!!, Part Two, Killer Pearfat!, I Am Not a Bunsen Burner, Today in Lazy Fatasses, No Shit.]

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