Olbermann Back on the Air

I hope he's learned his lesson!
Keith Olbermann will be allowed to resume his nightly program on MSNBC on Tuesday, the channel's president said Sunday night, after he was suspended for donating money to three Democratic candidates.

The policy at MSNBC's parent, NBC News, says journalists cannot make political contributions without permission from the head of the news division. "After several days of deliberation and discussion, I have determined that suspending Keith through and including Monday night's program is an appropriate punishment for his violation of our policy," the MSNBC president, Phil Griffin, said in a statement. "We look forward to having him back on the air Tuesday night."
Funny how that went from an "indefinite" suspension to a four-day weekend as soon as the network's hypocrisy and its corporate master's own political donations became a matter of public interest.


Hope you had a nice long weekend, Keith.

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