Good News!

In August, Shaker Andy wrote a guest post about the campaign "directed at Stonewall, the UK's, and indeed Europe's, largest LGB lobbying organisation" to advocate for marriage equality.

Andy just emailed to let me know the campaign succeeded: Stonewall says it will campaign for gay marriage.
Gay lobbying charity Stonewall says it will campaign for lesbian and gay couples to have civil marriages in the UK.

...In a statement posted on its website, the group said: "Stonewall is pleased to be widening its campaigning objectives to include extending the legal form of marriage to gay people. We seek to secure marriage for gay people as a civil vehicle on the same basis as heterosexual marriage, available in a registry office but without a mandate on religious organisations to celebrate it."
Huzzah! As Andy says, "Now we can get on with the real work of, you know, actually campaigning for same-sex marriage." Which, naturally, will be easier with the UK's biggest gay rights organization on board.

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