Daily Dose o' Cute

Video Description: Dudley runs around the dog park on a truly beautiful autumn afternoon, with some of his friends: Dash the Australian Shepherd, Emma the American Bulldog, and her older brother (whose name I don't know), and Sam the Labrador. Set to Yann Tiersen's Comptine d'Un Autre Été: L'après-midi.

My battery ran out before I got any great video of Dudley and Sam running together, but there is a still shot of the two of them together at the end of the video. (And also below.)

As always, pix of all the furry residents of Shakes Manor below the fold (on most browsers)...

Dudley and Sam. In this picture, Dudley's caught in Iain's favorite position when he runs, where he's almost folded in half and his back legs actually stretch out in front of his front legs.


Sophie, aka Monitor Cat.



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