Blog Note

Two notes, actually:

1. Clicking "Like" on a post (at the top of a comments section) will now bring up a box allowing you to share the link on Twitter or Facebook (or say "no thanks" to both). Nice feature, Disqus—thank you!

2. My Hotmail account (primary email address) has been FUBARed for weeks now. Not every Hotmail user is having the same problem, so I am evidently on an overloaded server. I'm constantly getting timed out and getting error messages that tell me it's a Hotmail glitch and that they're working on it. I've been without email for more than an hour at a time some days, and Hotmail has not responded to my repeated support requests.

So. My email management is even more disastrous than usual, and if I have failed to respond to something you've sent to which you'd typically expect a response, my apologies.

I trust the issue will be resolved soon. Service has improved, so I'm hopeful.

(Please know that I am extremely reluctant to leave Hotmail, as its layout is clean and manageable and accommodates my dyslexia in a way other email clients do not, so I'm not seeking advice about alternatives. Just letting everyone know what's up.)

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