This is a real thing in the world.

The Brobdingnagian Sports Chair:

Capable of accommodating a Brobdingnagian, this is the portable chair that elevates your physical stature at any outdoor event. Measuring 5-1/2' tall, the chair is certain to provide stadium seating at any venue, and its 9' sq. seat affords ample room for full-body gesticulations or sharing your prodigious chair with a friend. The lofty seat elevates feet well above the ground, where they're free to dangle and sway instead of merely floundering in dirt or sand. The reinforced powder-coated steel frame and 400-denier rip-stop canvas support up to 400 lbs.

The chair has six cup holders and folds to just 8-1/2" wide to allow transport in the included duffel bag. Step stool not included.
Sure. This definitely needs to exist.

[H/T to scatx.]

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