Texting! With Liss and Deeky!

Deeks: Free lunch today for being such a dedicated and loyal employee.

Liss: LOL! How nice!

Deeks: Nothing says 'thank you' like a lukewarm buffet!

Liss: Totes. "Load up on the the pudding! We APPRECIATE you!"

Deeks: Ooh Powerpoint! So Overton. Turkey loaf and the NWO.

Liss: LOL!

Deeks: Just FYI: 30 years of service = free iPod.

Liss: What? LOL!

Deeks: Cheap ass cheapsters.


Deeks: You know what the world needs? A direct-to-video animated sequel to Buckaroo Banzai.

Liss: Obviously.

Deeks: I bet something like that could be made for like a million dollars. And it'd be a total money maker.

Liss: You're absolutely right.

Deeks: I should work in Hollywood. My farts are better than most ideas coming out of that town.

Liss: Agreed. We should start our own studio. www.awesomefilmz.fart.

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