Speaking of Stupidity

...And ignorance. And bigotry:

This obnoxious billboard appeared in western Colorado this week. It depicts four caricatures of President Obama as a suicide bomber, a pimp (I think), a bandito, and a homo.

The four "Obamas" [are] sitting around a table with playing cards showing only sixes bunched in groups of three.

Also on the table is a copy of the Declaration of Independence, a liberty bell, a toy soldier and a statue of Justice holding a balance.

Beneath the Obama caricatures are numerous rats, some of which are labeled as the IRS, trial lawyers, the EPA and the Fed. Sitting above all that is a line, "Vote DemocRAT. Join the game," which is positioned between two vultures, one of which is labeled the U.N. and the other with the name Soros.

It's absurd. Really. It's practically a fucking parody. Like that theory that says after a certain point you can't differentiate between real conservatism and a satire of conservatism. ("Poe's law!" - bgk.)

Local Democratic Party Chairwoman Martelle Daniels said: "It's beyond disrespectful. You would like to think that we all would show respect for our commander-in-chief, but this is just beyond that. It's racist, it's homophobic, and it's really cowardly."

Republican Party chair Chuck Pabst: "It's reprehensible and disrespectful, and that's not what any honorable person would put forth. To ridicule somebody in this manner is juvenile."

Area politcal cartoonist Paul Snover, who created the image, said "I am not allowed to say who (paid for it) at this time. If it had been me, I would have included the Republicans as part of the problem."

Okay then.

He also said the image was designed to "get people to think a little deeper." Think what exactly?

I'm certainly not thinking too highly of your racist, homophobic billboard.

As an aside, I'll note the story's headline: "Caricatures are racist and homophobic, local Dems say." Really? I mean, there is no way that's not, objectively speaking, racist and homophobic. What's with the obsequity? No one writes a story and says "The rain was wet, according to some douchebag." That shit is just wet. The way that billboard is just racist.

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