Quote of the Day

"We need to make sure someone has seen the video. I am quick to jump to conclusions but want to be certain it is what it is said to be before I tell the Secy."—Department of Agriculture official Krysta Harden, seemingly the only person with any sense involved in the decision-making process about Shirley Sherrod's job at the USDA, after Andrew Breitbart posted a selectively and misleadingly edited video of Sherrod, cut to make her words appear racist. Administration emails obtained by CNN through a Freedom of Information Act request appear to confirm the worst (and the obvious): That politics was prioritized over people, and over truth.

When Harden suggested they hold off on a decision about Sherrod's fate until the entirety of the video was seen by someone at the USDA or the White House, she was overruled.

Obama said he'd bring change to the White House, and he sure did: When the Bush administration shit-canned people for political expediency and threw public servants to the wolves, at least they knew why they were doing it.

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