It's the End of the World as We Know It, Baby

So, the local paper has a section called "Quickly," where people write in one- or two-line comments about random shit and the paper prints them. As you can imagine, this provides me with endless amusement on a constant basis.

There were some real doozies this week, especially as there was an ongoing battle between people who love writing to Quickly, some of them every day (!), and people who think writing to Quickly is a waste of time. Which they wrote to Quickly to say, without a trace of irony.

This was my absolute favorite of the meta-Quicklies, though:
I'd like to know why some people get in the Quicklies day in and day out. I can't get one comment in there. Please reply and let me know.
When the correspondents aren't busily arguing about the value of Quickly, they're complaining about shit. Lots of excellent complaints this week, but this was by far my favorite, for sheer zuhzability:
I don't understand why they do not teach students in school about what is going on today. My son is learning about the past history. I agree that some part of past history should be taught, but I believe that today's history should also be taught.

But this was the one that really made me LOL today, a fine example of the ever-popular "What is the world coming to?" variety of Quickly:
Why would a young heart-throb like Justin Bieber have a line of nail polish out? What has become of our society?
I'm not even sure on what basis the objection is being made. Something along the homophobia-transmisogyny spectrum, no doubt, but I wonder if our dear Quickly author would be all right with an old heart-throb putting out a line of nail polish...? Probably not.

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