How's the view from the sideline?

There's currently a four-way gubernatorial race in Rhode Island, featuring Obama bipartipal Lincoln Chafee, a(nother) Republican, some guy, and Rhode Island General Treasurer Frank Caprio, a Democrat. Caprio, the Democrat indicated that he wouldn't mind if Obama endorsed him. Instead, the Obama administration announced it wouldn't be endorsing anyone.

Caprio, being a man after my own heart, told Obama to "shove it", and also:
"accused the president of 'treating [Rhode Island progressives] like an ATM machine,' and ignoring Rhode Island during springtime flooding that swept through the state."

It is unclear whether or not Caprio reminded Obama that "it is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines in this midterm election", but that strikes me as a logical next step.

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