Ugh: GLAAD Awards in Corporate Gayness Marketing

Via my inbox, I give you the GLAAD media awards in advertising.

I'm tired of Gay Inc., and I'm tired of advertising. Some advertising is clearly worse than others, but yeah, I'm not a market segment. When companies view "women" as a market segment, bad things tend to happen. I suspect the same thing will happen when companies catch on to the idea that white gay men (and occasionally white lesbians) buy things.

Speaking of market segments and already happening, one of the sponsors of the GLAAD media awards in advertising is Miller Coors. Pete Coors is the chairman of Miller Coors. Is 2004 the new fictional? What I'm trying to say is that I don't associate the Coors name with advancing civil rights. Then again, I suspect that Gay Inc., and I differ in our definitions.

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